Christian Education National is a leading provider of Professional Learning. We are committed to inspiring and challenging leaders, teachers and directors in their task of teaching and leading from a biblical perspective. We provide professional learning resources both online and face to face.

New Teacher Induction Course
This induction resource will take you on a journey over the course of one to two years, to unpack the core purpose and task of Christian education.

What is Christian Education?
This FREE online short course introduces the foundational vision of Christian education and equips parents and teachers for further engagement in their Christian school community.

The Bible in the Belly of the School
This workshop/course seeks to present a clear and compelling approach to an overview of the whole Bible in ways that will impact life of the school.

Classrooms and Formational Learning
This workshop/course recognises that all learning is formational and that Christian educators will, by design, seek a Christ-shaped formation of heart and mind.

The School in the Belly of the Culture
This workshop recognises that schools and their communities are embedded in powerful, life-shaping cultural contexts characterised by their own narratives.

Curriculum Design and the Big Picture
This workshop/course equips teachers with skills and confidence in designing school curriculum from a biblical perspective in response to a mandated curriculum.

Authentic Christian Education
This workshop/course explores the vision of Christian education. It explores questions like; What is Christian education? What is the purpose of Christian schooling?

Classrooms and Assessment for Learning
This workshop/course explores the role of assessment in deeper, transformative learning and explores what types of assessments should be used in the Christian classrooms.