The Bible in the Belly of the School

This workshop/course seeks to present a clear and compelling approach to an overview of the whole Bible in ways that will impact life of the school.


This workshop seeks to present a clear and compelling approach to an overview of the whole Bible in way that will impact our lives, our educational work with students, and the culture and practices of the school community of which we are part. How can we be immersed in the Scriptures? How do the Scriptures equip us to engage wisely with cultural challenges? How does God’s word counter-form us for faithful living?

Learning Intentions

Participants will be able to: 

  1. To present a clear and compelling approach to and overview of the whole Bible.
  2. To explore some significant portions of the Bible that will give participants a greater understanding of the whole Bible.
  3. To encourage educators and the communities to which they belong into a formative immersion in the Bible.
  4. To provide an approach to biblical immersion that can be used with students at all levels throughout the school.
  5. To explore the relationship between biblical immersion and cultural engagement in our times and places.
  6. To promote changes in the culture and practices of the school in ways that will enhance biblical immersion and counter-formation for all who make up the educational community.
Face to face workshop

6 Hours

Online Workshop

4 Hours

Target audience

All members of a Christian school community

Addressed standards

1.3, 2.1, 6.2, 6.3 (teacher identified only - NSW)

Enquire or book a presenter

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