CEN is committed to growing the skills of board members. This is maintained through a host of online courses accessible below. These can all be delivered face to face. Email [email protected] to request access to board training or to enquire about face to face options.
The Board Members’ Handbook is a ready reference guide and tool for introducing new and experienced board members to the task of governing Christian schools faithfully. The handbook will be a great help to you as you seek to be faithful board members who serve our schools with diligence and passion. Purchase through our eStore.

Board Basics
Board Training INTRODUCTION: This training provides induction training for new board members/directors.

Board Foundations
This training builds upon the board induction material and provides a board member/director with a thorough grounding.

Board Function
Board Training PART II: This training explores in depth the corporate nature of governance.

Board Performance
Board Training PART III. This training explores the communal and relational life of a board.

NSW Board Induction
This training provides specialised professional learning for NSW Christian school boards