Professional Learning
We are committed to inspiring and challenging leaders, teachers and directors in their task of teaching and leading from a biblical perspective. We provide professional learning resources both online and face to face.
Board Training
CEN is committed to growing the skills of board members. This is maintained through a host of online courses accessible. These can also all be delivered face to face.
State Executive Officers
Member schools are served by a State Executive Officer who understands the unique challenges and responsibilities related to their state or territory.
CEN has a suite of reviews and 360 degree appraisals, specifically developed for our purposes, along with our experienced and trusted CEN consultants, that will deliver direct, constructive, and practical feedback and advice.
Christian Education National places a high priority on learning together, so therefore initiates regular teaching, leadership, governance and parenting conferences. These are held face to face and online in various locations across the country.
Financial Support
The annual Financial Survey conducted by Somerset Education is included as part of the CEN membership fee, this financial service is highly recommended and used widely by hundreds of independent schools throughout Australia.
School Leadership Program
The Coram Deo Leadership Residency is a training and mentoring program tailored for Christian school leaders.
Whistleblower Policy
Any member of the board, management, any staff member, or any external party who is involved with CEN can report reportable conduct and be protected under the CEN Whistleblower Policy.