Transformation by Design is a resource designed to help you develop curriculum from a biblical perspective. This resource has been developed by a team of expert and experienced Christian educators from around Australia. It provides a model for developing curriculum in direct response to a mandated curriculum while unfolding a transformational, biblical perspective for the students.
The community of schools that birthed Christian Education National and the National Institute for Christian Education has a rich tradition of developing Christ-centred, Bible-based, worldview-shaped approaches to Christian education—this includes approaches to curriculum design. Since the early 1960s in Australia, Christian schools have developed from church and parent communities that wanted to see schools work in harmony with what was happening in the Christian home. This movement of Christian schools has grown significantly over the decades and includes a wide range of Christian parents.
These school communities have sought to develop a schooling practice that is faithful to biblical guidelines for education and for life. In the context of the Australian Curriculum, it is necessary for Christian schools to have a framework for understanding how to interact with a prescribed curriculum, and a possible model that ensures that a worldview shaped by the Bible is the foremost driver of that curriculum. This curriculum model seeks to do that whilst at the same time incorporating best practise in curriculum development.
This resource provides a framework which outlines the overall transformational direction and a model for Christcentred transformational curriculum. The model presented provides a guide to developing the big picture for a curriculum unit—as such it acts as a starter guide.