Prayer and Reflection on the Core Values of Christian Education National
It is our prayer that this resource be used by staff, boards, and parents in the context of meetings and gatherings, and that it will support you in your vision for Christ-centered Christian education in your school community.
In 2008, Christian Parent Controlled Schools (CPCS) changed its name to Christian Education National. The leaders of CPCS had produced a resource called A Solid Foundation that captured the essence of the vision, mission, and core values of the organisation. It’s time to re-visit these in the form of a resource for members and to once again articulate with clarity what the core values of Christian Education National are. These core values are the outworking of our vision and mission which has remained timeless. Our desire to continually remain true to our beliefs is evident in the words on these pages which echo those that have served before us and hopefully lead us on in to the future.
This resource provides the opportunity to reflect on the CEN core values by working through a biblical reflection, a prayer, and an article to stimulate deeper discussion. As you engage with this resource, may you enjoy the broader connection we have with associations and schools all over Australia. We are indeed, stronger together.