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CEO Appointment Announcement

It is with great pleasure that the Christian Education National Board announce theappointment of Mark Steyn as the new Chief Executive Officer for CEN.

We are so grateful to God for His provision, for the blessings we have experienced as afamily of schools through the generous and insightful leadership of Michelle Dempsey, andnow for the appointment of Mark Steyn into the role of Chief Executive Officer for CEN.While the recruitment process was long and thorough, we are so at peace with where Godhas led us and we very much look forward to seeing what He has planned for CEN.

About Mark
Mark started his career in Human Resources after qualifying as an industrial psychologist.He then consulted for an organisation working in the criminal justice system in South Africabefore starting his own strategic planning company. In 2004, Mark and his familyimmigrated to Australia, where he spent a season as the CEO at Swan Christian EducationAssociation in Perth. Mark has been the CEO at Rehoboth Christian College, Perth, for thepast 16 years. Mark is married to Sharon who is a Medical Secretary, and they have two sonsand a daughter-in-law who live in Melbourne.

Stronger Together
From the solid foundation we have and through the legacy Michelle and those beforehave gifted us, we intend to continue building CEN to serve member schools, advocate forChristian education, enable teachers on their professional journeys and catalyse ournetwork so we can continue to truly be stronger together.

Yours Faithfully,

Andrew Goelst, Board Chair
Andrew Spence, Chair of Recruitment Sub-Committee