‘Professional Learning Leaders’ Summits 2025

CEN is excited to host our two day Professional Learning Leaders summit in three states across Australia in 2025.

These summits are designed to inform your approach in leading staff towards a deeper understanding of Christian teaching practices through ongoing professional learning. What is the place of education in the 21st century? How do we make sense of some of the constant back and forth in teaching philosophies? And what difference does Jesus make in the teaching and learning dynamic?

Over the course of these two days, we will discuss education philosophy, theology of knowledge, strategies, policy, and provide time for schools to show their thinking around learning models. It will be theoretical, practical and encouraging!

Dates of the summits for 2025:

22 – 23 May – Tasmania

14 – 15 August – Victoria

23 – 24 October – New South Wales

Further details to come early 2025!

‘Professional Learning Leaders’ Summits 2025

Event Details

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