This is an exciting new opportunity to be trained by the author of CEN’s newest resource ‘Birth, Battle, Build: A resource for a story-formed approach to biblical studies,’ Dr. Rod Thompson.
This initial one-day professional learning event will equip biblical studies coordinators or school leaders to become familiar with and grapple with the concepts presented in the new resource, Birth Battle Build (Thompson, 2023) for the purpose of embedding it as a framework for enhancing biblical literacy and perspectives into the teaching, practice and rhythms of your school.
The seven sequences in the story of Scripture (forming the basis of the BBB curriculum content) will be explored, helping participants to confidently introduce and embed this narrative sequence into their school biblical studies courses. The author, Rod Thompson, will explain the premise of the approach along with the habits that shape the heart (p. 9) that are suggested as helpful biblically-shaped rhythms in one’s personal life, which can also be used in the school community, and curriculum planning. The ‘Text Gospel 21C’ (TG21) tools for reading and study of scripture will be presented and applied as part of the workshop.
Participants will gain access to some resources to further support the implementation of BBB in their schools. They will be led through planning a biblical studies unit, using the BBB big picture template and collaboratively working on some new units to be shared. Rod will work closely with participants, answering questions and providing support to set the foundations of the program that will be taken back to each school represented.
Places are strictly limited for this unique intensive workshop so book your place as soon as possible. It will be a powerful way of seeing ‘Birth Battle Build’ embedded into the life and practice of your school.
The Birth Battle Build story-formed biblical studies curriculum seeks to shape lifelong loves, skills, and practices through grappling with key biblical passages and core theological themes such that for both learners and teachers, love for God and neighbour, faith in Chris Jesus, delight in the Scriptures, wondrous imagination, character formation, and an incisive, hope-filled engagement with our cultural times and places, are modelled and motivated. (Birth Battle Build p.32)
Friday 24 November 2023
Torrens Valley Christian School, South Australia – 9.00am – 4.00pm
Morning Tea and Lunch provided.
Participants will also receive a selection of supporting resources to use as well as a copy of the key text Birth Battle Build.
All travel/accommodation arrangements and costs are the responsibility of the participant/school.