Can’t You Get Your Act Together provides stimulus, examples, and clear biblical perspectives by offering a selection of a Christian school principal’s editorials taken from over a decade of newsletters.
This resource contains a selection of historical editorials written by Martin Hanscamp for use by principals in CEN schools. The material, of course, is set in a particular place and time, when Martin was principal of Mount Evelyn Christian School in Victoria (2002 – 2013). The title captures Martin’s self-talk in his moments of busyness. While there are fundamentals of Christian education that are timeless—and many of those fundamentals are found in Martin’s writings—Mount Evelyn Christian School has developed and grown its vision of Christian education since that time, as all good schools should.
What is so valuable about this collection, however, is that it is such a practical example of the way in which a principal grapples with what is his or her essential task—to cast the vision and translate that vision into everyday thinking and action in the life of a school.