We warmly invite all board members to participate in our annual CEN Godly Governance Conference (Principals and Business Managers are also most welcome) to be held in Melbourne, 5pm Thurs 14 November, to 12:30pm Saturday 16 November.
Theme: “Board Safety Responsibility: from child safety to psychological safety (and everything in between)”
Our schools invest significant effort in “Risk Management,” but how often do we focus on the crucial concept of Safety within our schools? While Risk Management and Safety are intertwined, they approach the issue from different angles. This year’s CEN Godly Governance Conference is dedicated to exploring safety in our schools.
Understanding the safety governance maturity of your school is vital. Although the board may not be involved in the daily operations, its members significantly influence the school’s safety culture. They do so through the questions they pose, the emphasis they place on critical operational issues, and the messages they convey during interactions with the Executive and other staff members.
By prioritising safety in our schools, we can equip senior leaders – including both board members and senior executive – with the tools, knowledge, and structures necessary to enhance the school’s safety performance beyond mere compliance with safety legislation.
We aim for our Christian schools to foster a safe community where students, staff, parents, and all visitors can thrive. As board members, how do we ensure this? How do we address and adapt to new and emerging safety challenges within our school communities?
This year’s Governance Conference offers a series of rich, thought-provoking sessions designed to provide us with the opportunity to explore what it takes to lead faithful, Christ-centred schools. Together, we will learn how to create a learning environment where safety and meaningful education are paramount.
Location: Quay West Suites, Southbank, Melbourne
Commences: 5pm Thursday 14 November
Concludes: 12:30pm Saturday 16 November
Registration: $1480 (includes 2 nights accommodation)